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2019 Reflections

Hey Pearls,

It's been a minute but I am back!! The year of 2019 has been one of pluses and deltas. It has been a year of more sowing seeds than reaping. But 2020 is about to usher itself in as the last year of the decade and I want to be sure to reflect on my last 12 months of 2019 and frame my mind on work for the new year. My plan continues to become Strong, Resilient and Luminous as I go through this next year but here's my reflection on 3 principles I adopted for 2019.

  • Self Determination (STRONG): Planning requires the strength to be disciplined. Self Determination is the act of defining, naming, creating and speaking for yourself. January 2019, I journaled that I would become a new author so I began to plan for this dream. I actualized self determination in 2019 by the co-authoring two books. In addition, I became a 2 time Best Selling New Author in July 2019 and November 2019.  Did you see where your goals/dreams set out at the beginning of the new year were actualized? Take the next few days this week, to write down specific goals, actionable, realistic and time specific. Create S.M.A.R.T. goals for yourself and periodically check-in on your progress. This step is you being STRONG, Pearl!

  • Collective Work and Responsibility (RESILIENCE): Creating strong communities will keep you and me RESILIENT on this journey.  Collective work and responsibility is the ability to build and maintain our community together and make our sisters problems our problems and to solve them together. We've talked about before how building a community of support, resource and information as you work on your empire. This year, I worked my community in support of my daughter going off to college, getting the word out there about my books, new business opportunities, offering support to women that are coming behind me in their journey and securing mentorship from women that are ahead of me in this journey of entrepreneurship. Your RESILIENCE is based on your connections, Pearl!

  • Creativity (LUMINOSITY): Never be a dull Pearl! Creativity is to always do as much as we can, in the way that we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. Here's were you shine Pearl! How have you been creative in accomplishing your goals? Did you need to tweek a strategy or find another way to "skin the cat"? This year, I looked for alternative means to work out my plans when the situation called for it. I had to consider several different options for a blog/online presence because my ultimate goal is to leave a legacy of community and support for other women looking to be entrepreneurs and go after their dreams. Explore multiple options to display your LUMINOSITY in your area of expertise. 

How are you framing your mindset for the next year?

Happy New Year, Pearls.

With Love,
Mother Of Pearl

While you are considering your goals, check out both of my books Entrepreneurial Elevation and Speaking My Truth at


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