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Happy Day Pearl,

One thing 2020 has taught me is that self-reflection is the new 'wokeness'... the master key to enjoying life. Over the last 9 months, I, like a lot of people around the world, have had quite a bit of time to sit in my home and engage in moments of, at times intense, self-reflection thanks to COVID-19. I had a lot of time to look at old pictures, read old journal entries, and continue writing on my upcoming project. But this day, I had an inspiration arrive and Pearls I am thankful for this opportunity. 

Self-reflection's greatest vehicle is transition. For me this time of year, August through October has always represented transition. From birthdays, the beginning of things again after some time of growth to the end of my favorite season, Summer. So here I am in this transition of seasons, work cycles, and personal growth with self-reflection as the skipper.  

Self-Reflection is becoming Strongbecoming Resilient, and becoming Luminous!

becoming... Strong: This year's self-reflection brought the gift of learning to not be disappointed when those you held you close weren't really in your corner. I've learned to love those that see me, hear me, feel me, and connect with my soul. I learned to love what truly loves me back and not because society or some great word dictates it but because they need to love you. Reflecting on my connections, my community, my love circle, my biggest fans, the support system is what keeps me strong.  This knowledge affords me the perspective to always be mindful of your company. of your close circle, and who has influence in your life. My own self-reflection has shown how my circles have kept me strong by loving on me and sharing my dreams and me sharing their dreams. Don't be afraid to self-reflect on how your community provides you strength on your journey. My circles keep me...Strong!

becoming...ResilientIn my community, we need each other to survive! So... we do what we gotta do to strengthen the ties that bind. Strengthening...resembles a brainstorming session with your Fiercest GFs,  the gym with your athletic buddy, the backyard cookout with close friends and family (Covid-19 guidelines required), or a Thursday evening double date with colleagues.  For many this season of self-reflection and transition has separated the wheat from the shaft, all those with superficial intentions or interest have slowly but surely fallen off. This season has brought about the test of adversity applicable even to friendships and family. Just the life and death of Chadwick Boseman provided us an opportunity to reflect on our journeys parallel to his own and acknowledge just how resilient we are in this thing called life. We felt the transition of his life force as a sharp pain because he was apart of our community. He was our Black Panther, a Resilient King.  Though everything in life runs its course; it's the cycle of it all. Yet as they say, still waters run deep.  My community keeps me...Resilient!

becoming...Luminous: Understanding your worth is a culmination of reflecting through the prisms of self and community. This year, any situational replay has shown you were you overcame or persevered by way of your own deliberate considerations and through the strength of your community (accessing anyone from family to a professional colleague).  Pearls, we are fully aware that it requires leaving that comfort zone, embracing that irritant... So take this opportunity of reflection to shine in all the glory that you've overlooked through all of the hustle to thrive during this pandemic. Use your shine to develop your voice on your most passionate matters and identify a platform for the world to embrace. The year 2020 is your pause button to reflect and gather your talents. My time in 2020 will keep me...Luminous!

SHINE On PEARLS and Don't forget to PLAN your VOTE!


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